About the Journal
Scientific Journal "State Security" (assigned identifier in the media registry R-30-01033. Decision of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting dated July 6, 2023, No. 466).
The publication was founded in 2023. The founder and publisher are the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine. Copies are published twice a year.
The policy of the scientific journal aims to reflect scientific achievements in the following thematic areas:
State security;
National security;
Security of the state border, as well as the publication of materials of a review and scientific-methodical nature.
The journal publishes original scientific articles containing the results of scientific research for specialists in the National Guard of Ukraine, law enforcement agencies, other military formations, scientists, educators, adjuncts, cadets, students, and all those interested in contemporary issues in these areas.
Articles are published after discussion at the editorial board meetings and their review by leading experts, as well as based on the recommendations of the Scientific Council of the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine.
In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 20.12.2023 No. 1543, the journal is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, category "B" comes from specialties:
– 251 ‒ "State security";
– 252 ‒ "Security of the state border"
– 256 ‒ "National Security"
Instructions for Authors.
The article must include the following elements:
Problem Statement: In this section, you should elucidate the essence and current state of the scientific problem in a general context. Explain its theoretical and/or practical significance, its relevance to important scientific or practical tasks, and justify the importance of the research for the further development of theory or practice. Ensure that there is a paragraph that concludes with the relevance of the study of this problem to science.
Analysis of Recent Research and Publications: In this section, succinctly and critically analyze the main points of recent research and publications directly related to the problem under consideration. Identify previously unresolved aspects of the overall problem to which the article is dedicated. The purpose of this section is to demonstrate the areas of the problem that have not been addressed by other scholars. It is desirable to conduct a literature review using sources no older than 5-10 years, including foreign periodicals (if possible).
Article's Objective: The objective of the article should arise from the problem statement and the analysis of recent research and publications. It should clearly define the ultimate scientific result, state on what scientific premises it is based, and explain how it will be achieved (including the involvement of scientific hypotheses, ideas, phenomena, laws). To achieve the stated objective, it is necessary to formulate 2-3 partial tasks that reveal the research plan.
Presentation of Main Material: The structure of this section should reflect the logical sequence of solving the tasks formulated in the article's objective. You should highlight the main points and results of the scientific research, personal ideas, thoughts, obtained scientific facts, discovered regularities, connections, trends, methodology for obtaining and analyzing factual material, and the author's contribution to the achievement and implementation of the research.
Conclusions: The conclusions should be specific and reflect the most important results of the research, which have scientific novelty and theoretical and/or practical significance. The conclusions should also outline the prospects for further developments in the specified direction.
List of References: The reference list should include a minimum of 6 sources published in the last 5 years.
In addition to the article, the following should be attached:
Document confirming the possibility of open publication of the article.
Author's information (in Ukrainian and English): surname, first name, patronymic, academic degree, academic title, position, full name of the institution where the author works, phone number, email, ORCID.
Title, abstract, and keywords in Ukrainian and English.
The Ukrainian abstract should contain 4-5 sentences.
The English abstract should contain no less than 1800 characters, including keywords.
If the article is written in English, the Ukrainian abstract should also contain no less than 1800 characters, including keywords.
A separate file with an extended English abstract (no less than 1800 characters) translated into Ukrainian.
Authors' photographs in electronic format against a white background in .jpg format.
The total length of the article, including the list of references and abstracts, should not exceed 14 pages of A4 format.
Requirements for Article Formatting
Page Parameters: Margins (cm): left - 2.5, right - 1.5, top - 2.5, bottom - 2.5.
UDC (Universal Decimal Classification): Times New Roman font, 14 pt, bold, paragraph indentation 0.5 cm.
Author Initials and Surnames: Times New Roman font, 14 pt, bold, paragraph indentation 0.5 cm.
Title of the Article: Times New Roman font, 14 pt, bold, uppercase letters, center alignment.
Abstract: Times New Roman font, 14 pt, italics, justified alignment, first line indentation 0.5 cm, written in the language of the main text of the article.
Keywords: Times New Roman font, 14 pt, italics, justified alignment, first line indentation 0.5 cm.
Text of the Article: Times New Roman font, 14 pt, regular, justified alignment, first line indentation 0.5 cm, line spacing 1.5.
Formulas should be typed using the MS Equation 3 editor with continuous numbering from the right edge of the page.
In the "Size -> Define" menu, enter the following sizes: "Normal" - 11 pt; "Large index" - 8 pt; "Small index" - 7 pt; "Large symbol" - 14 pt; "Small symbol" - 10 pt.
Using graphical objects, frames, and tables for formula typing is prohibited.
Table Title: Times New Roman font, 14 pt, regular. The table title should be capitalized and placed above the table with a paragraph indentation.
Figures and Diagrams must be grouped and accompanied by captions (the figure title should be capitalized and centered, 12 pt). Color and background figures are not allowed.
The list of references should be formatted according to DSTU 8302:2015 "Information and Documentation. Bibliographic Reference. General Principles and Rules for Compilation."
Quotations must be verified by the author with primary sources and cited in square brackets.
The manuscript must be printed in one copy on one side of a standard sheet of A4 paper (297 x 210 mm), 14 pt font, 1.5 line spacing.
On the last page of the manuscript, indicate the date of submission of the article to the editorial office. The article should be signed by the author.
Submit the article file (in doc or docx formats) along with the manuscript.
In the file name, include the author's last name, first name, patronymic, and the title of the article.
Changes in the text and abbreviations that do not affect the content of the materials will be made by the editorial board without coordination with the author.
Ready submissions should be sent to the editorial office at:
medvidj84@ukr.net or nov_nangu@ukr.net
Checking Manuscripts for Academic Plagiarism:
The verification of article manuscripts for academic plagiarism is carried out using the "Strikeplagiarism".
Academic plagiarism refers to the publication (partially or entirely) of scientific (creative) results obtained by other individuals as if they were the results of one's own research (creativity), and/or the reproduction of published texts of other authors without proper citation (in accordance with Article 69 of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education").
The results of the plagiarism check are taken into account when the editorial board decides on the acceptance of the article manuscript for publication. Manuscripts with unacceptable or low levels of originality are not considered, while others are reviewed by the editorial board in accordance with the established publication policy.
Plagiarism is unacceptable. Manuscripts found to contain plagiarism or text borrowings without proper references to the source will be rejected by the editorial board either permanently or until the issues are resolved.
Contact Information:
Kharkiv, Maidan Zakhysnykiv Ukrainy, 3
Primary Contact:
Yulia Ivanivna Medvid
National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine
Phone: (066) 057-89-40
Support and Assistance:
Yulia Ivanivna Medvid
Email: medvidj84@ukr.net or nov_nangu@ukr.net