State security 2024-08-13T21:12:26+03:00 Medvid Yuliya Ivanivna Open Journal Systems <p>Scientific Journal "State Security" (assigned identifier in the media registry R-30-01033. Decision of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting dated July 6, 2023, No. 466).</p> <p>The publication was founded in 2023. The founder and publisher are the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine. Copies are published twice a year.</p> <p>The policy of the scientific journal aims to reflect scientific achievements in the following thematic areas:</p> <p>State security;<br />National security;<br />Security of the state border, as well as the publication of materials of a review and scientific-methodical nature.<br />The journal publishes original scientific articles containing the results of scientific research for specialists in the National Guard of Ukraine, law enforcement agencies, other military formations, scientists, educators, adjuncts, cadets, students, and all those interested in contemporary issues in these areas.</p> <p>Articles are published after discussion at the editorial board meetings and their review by leading experts, as well as based on the recommendations of the Scientific Council of the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine.</p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; background: white;"><span style="background: white;">In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 20.12.2023 No. 1543, the journal is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, category "B" comes from specialties:</span></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; background: white;"><span style="background: white;">– 251 ‒ "State security";</span></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; background: white;"><span style="background: white;">– 252 ‒ "Security of the state border"</span></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; background: white;"><span style="background: white;">– 256 ‒ "National Security"</span></p> ASSESSMENT OF PREDISPOSITION TO ADDICTIVE BEHAVIOR IN MILITARY PERSONNEL PERFORMING STATE SECURITY TASKS 2024-08-13T07:46:23+03:00 Maksym Baida Ihor Prykhodko Yanina Matsehora <p><em>This article presents the results of a study on the development of a methodology for assessing the predisposition to alcohol abuse among </em><em>personnel</em><em> of the National Guard of Ukraine engaged in state security tasks. The study involves identifying the personal characteristics of military personnel and categorizing them into one of seven types of predisposition to alcohol abuse. Additionally, it examines the factors in </em><em>assigned tasks performance</em><em> that contribute to the development of this predisposition. The article describes the step-by-step actions of officials in utilizing the methodology for assessing the predisposition to alcohol abuse among</em><em> NGU</em> <em>personnel. </em><em>The results of the methodology's testing and its effectiveness evaluation in the military units and subdivisions of the National Guard of Ukraine are presented.</em></p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 State security VIEWS ON THE FORMATION OF THE STRUCTURE OF OPERATIONAL SERVICE ACTIVITIES IN THE AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SUBDIVISION OF STATE BORDER 2024-08-13T08:30:05+03:00 Vasyl Baratiuk Oleksandr Lazorenko Serhii Kashtelian <p><em>Based on the analysis of the experience of operational and service activities of the State border protection units, as well as regulatory and legal documents on the construction of the State border protection, the author summarises the content of the concept "construction of operational and service activities". The practical content of this concept is implemented by the following components: prevention of illegal changes to the State border; ensuring compliance with the State border regime; ensuring control over compliance with the border regime on the example of the content reflection of the main function of the border agency ‒ protection of the State border. The substantiation of detailing the individual components of the operational and service activities of the State border protection unit reveals the sequence of building this activity with regard to its substantive complexity. A methodology for building operational and service activities at the site of a State border protection unit is proposed. The scientific novelty of the methodology lies in generalising the sequence of work of the head of a State border protection unit on combating offences on border issues. The application of the methodology will create conditions for the expedient use of forces and means of the State border protection unit, will allow to increase the efficiency of the work of the relevant managers and </em><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;</em><em>to consider more fully the factors influencing the results of the operational and service activities of the unit. </em></p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 State security THEORETICAL BASIS OF INTERACTION BETWEEN THE NATIONAL GUARD OF UKRAINE AND THE STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE OF UKRAINE IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF JOINT EMERGENCY RESPONSE MEASURES 2024-08-13T09:21:36+03:00 Serhii Bielai Andrii Savin Andrii Puzanov <p><em>The author proves the relevance of the study of substantiation of the theoretical foundations of interaction between the National Guard of Ukraine and the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the course of joint emergency response activities. A legal analysis is carried out, and the main tasks of the National Guard </em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>of Ukraine within its competence to organize this interaction are identified.</em><em> The author analyzes the theoretical foundations of interaction organization used in the theory and practice of management and identifies the relevant fundamental features of interaction between the National Guard of Ukraine and the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the implementation of joint emergency response measures. Based on the theory of interaction of organizational systems, the main elements of interaction are substantiated. These conclusions are the basis for improving the effectiveness of the State emergency response mechanisms.</em></p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 State security FEATURES OF THE USE OF INSPECTORS-CANINELOGISTS WITH MINE-DETECTING DOGS IN COMBAT CONDITIONS 2024-08-13T09:48:38+03:00 Artem Bratko Oleh Kovalchuk <p><em>Peculiarities of the use of canine inspectors with mine detection dogs in the conditions of combat operations are being studied. The types of activities of a mine detection dog inspector during a combat mission are defined. The factors affecting the successful performance of a combat mission have been clarified.</em> <em>Taking into account the experience of using cynological calculations, the requirements that must be taken into account by the cynological inspector during the performance of combat tasks are outlined.</em></p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 State security THEORY AND PRACTICE OF CONDUCTING SPECIAL INFORMATION OPERATIONS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE RUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN WAR 2024-08-13T10:05:53+03:00 Ihor Vashchenko Eduard Poltavskyi <p><em>The article analyses the role and place of information wars in the modern world political process. The </em><em>peculiarities of the russian-Ukrainian information warfare are studied. The algorithm of actions during special information operations is considered, where propaganda and psychological work is carried out to directly influence the consciousness and behaviour of any audience in order to achieve political or military goals.</em></p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 State security DETERMINING OF THE METHOD OF USING AN INTERAGENCY GROUPING OF TROOPS (FORCES) IN STABILIZATION OPERATIONS IN THE DE-OCCUPIED TERRITORIES: TAKING INTO ACCOUNT CURRENT CONDITIONS 2024-08-13T10:19:51+03:00 Serhii Hodlevskyi Volodymyr Batsamut Serhii Cherkashyn <p><em>The article proposes an approach to developing a method of using an interagency grouping of troops (forces) for stabilization operations in the de-occupied territories, which, unlike the known ones, takes into account the current conditions and peculiarities of performing tasks, combines the best domestic and foreign practices. It makes it possible to determine a balanced list of tasks and activities of law enforcement agencies and public authorities at various levels of government to create an interagency group of the appropriate composition. The proposed approach can be used by the military command and control bodies of the National Guard of Ukraine to plan the use of its formations, as well as to create groups and tactical teams of&nbsp;&nbsp;appropriate composition.</em></p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 State security THEORETICAL AND ORGANISATIONAL PRINCIPLES OF INTERACTION BETWEEN THE COMPONENTS OF THE SECURITY AND DEFENCE SECTOR IN THE PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION OF TERRITORIAL DEFENCE MEASURES 2024-08-13T15:37:14+03:00 Vladyslav Yemanov Volodymyr Trobiuk Serhii Bielai <p><em>The relevance of the study of the theoretical and organisational foundations of interaction between the components of the security and defence sector in the planning and implementation of territorial defence measures is proved. The content of preparation for territorial defence measures is revealed. The tasks of organising interaction in territorial defence are defined. The tasks of territorial defence, which </em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>are performed jointly by the components of the security and defence sector, are investigated. </em><em>Directions </em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>for further scientific research are provided.</em></p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 State security MAIN WAYS FOR IMPROVING REGULATORY AND LEGAL BASIS THAT DETERMINES THE DEVELOPMENT OF FORMS OF DEFENSE FORCES APPLICATION DURING THE REPULSION OF ARMED AGGRESSION 2024-08-13T16:06:10+03:00 Vasyl Dudurych <p><em>The state of defense force application within the system of ensuring Ukraine's national security has been studied and analyzed. The necessity for improving the regulatory and legal basis that determines the development of the forms of defense forces application during the repulsion of armed aggression has been substantiated.</em> <em>The regulatory and legal support for contemporary terminology has been examined: the concepts of "defense", "defense forces", etc. The ways to enhance the regulatory and legal basis regarding the development of the forms of defense forces application during the repulsion of armed aggression have been proposed.</em></p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 State security METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH TO CHOOSING A RATIONAL OPTION FOR BUILDING A BORDER GUARD DETACHMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TAKING INTO ACCOUNT ITS CAPACITY TO FUNCTION UNDER MARTIAL LAW 2024-08-13T16:30:56+03:00 Viktor Zalozh Maksym Kovalchuk Denys Bambuza <p><em>A methodical approach to choosing a rational variant of building a border guard detachment management system is proposed, taking into account its ability to function under martial law. This approach will make it possible to choose a rational variant of building a management system under martial law, to</em><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;</em><em>study certain properties of the management system, and also to clarify the requirements for both the management system as a whole and its individual subsystems on the basis of a generalised quality indicator or individual quality indicators of the main properties inherent in the management system even before the start of operational activities (combat operations). </em></p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 State security THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF PREVENTING AND COMBATING DISCRIMINATION IN THE SYSTEM OF TRAINING SPECIALISTS FOR SECURITY AND DEFENSE FORCES 2024-08-13T16:44:27+03:00 Olha Kurkina <p><em>The article characterizes the theoretical foundations of preventing and combating discrimination in the system of training specialists for security and defense forces. So far, there has been no comprehensive study on the development of theoretical foundations for preventing and combating discrimination in the system of training specialists for the security and defense forces of Ukraine. An improved definition of the concept &nbsp;of "discrimination" is proposed. The factors that determine the social and legal need to prevent and combat discrimination in the system of training specialists for the security and defense forces of Ukraine are highlighted. Based on the results of the study of foreign experience in this area, two main directions for further improvement </em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>of the scientific and conceptual foundations for preventing and combating this phenomenon are proposed.</em></p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 State security METHODOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES OF STUDYING THE PROBLEMS OF CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION 2024-08-13T16:58:07+03:00 Ivan Lavrov Serhii Bielai <p><em>The relevance of the issue of researching the methodological foundations for studying the problems</em> <em>of critical infrastructure protection is determined. An expert survey was conducted on current problematic issues in the field of critical infrastructure protection in Ukraine. The necessity of developing models</em><em>&nbsp; </em><em>&nbsp;for responding to threats to critical infrastructure facilities in different conditions: in a special period </em><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;</em><em>and in peacetime is proved. Based on the results of the expert survey, proposals for improving the security</em> <em>&nbsp;of critical infrastructure facilities are formulated. The role and place of the National Guard of Ukraine</em> <em>&nbsp;in the performance of tasks related to the protection of critical infrastructure is defined.</em></p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 State security THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE STUDY OF LAWS (REGULARITIES) OF ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITY OF THE STATE BORDER SERVICE OF UKRAINE 2024-08-13T17:13:33+03:00 Hennadii Mahas Hennadii Zhylkin <p><em>Based on the experience of operational and service activities of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, analysis of scientific and methodological literature and the regulatory framework, the author identifies and substantiates the main laws (patterns) of management activities of the State Border Guard Service </em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>of Ukraine.</em></p> <p><em>The disclosure and knowledge of the laws (regularities) of management activity is seen as the basis</em><em>&nbsp; </em><em>&nbsp;for systematising knowledge about management, developing management theory and developing the right recommendations for practice.</em></p> <p><em>It is substantiated that the main laws of management activities of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine should include: the law of dependence of organisational forms and methods of management on the structure</em><em>&nbsp; </em><em>&nbsp;of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, material and technical base and management conditions; the law of</em><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;</em><em>unity of organisational and methodological principles at all levels of management; the law of preservation of proportionality and optimal ratio of all elements of the management system; the law of compatibility of technical means and management systems of subordinate and interacting bodies. </em></p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 State security PROJECTED CHALLENGES TO BE ADDRESSED BY THE STATE IN THE POST-WAR PERIOD: TASKS OF THE NATIONAL GUARD OF UKRAINE TO ENSURE STATE SECURITY 2024-08-13T17:42:10+03:00 Dmytro Morkvin Volodymyr Batsamut Iryna Hokh <p><em>The article examines the predicted challenges that the state will face after the end of the legal regime&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;of martial law. The main tasks of the National Guard of Ukraine to ensure state security have been considered. The functions of the National Guard of Ukraine and other actors of the security sector of Ukraine have been distinguished. The authors analyze the normative and legal framework regarding the transition of the state from the legal regime of martial law to the stabilization (post-war period), as well as the role and place of the National Guard of Ukraine in this activity. The main tasks of the National Guard of Ukraine in the post-war period &nbsp;are defined as follows: participation in the restoration of constitutional law and order, participation in the suppression of riots, protection of public safety and order, and protection of critical infrastructure. It has been proposed to change the focus of the higher military educational institutions of the National Guard of Ukraine from direct military direction to training specialists in the field of state security and law enforcement.</em></p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 State security INTERNATIONAL SANCTIONS AS A FACTOR IN THE REALISATION OF UKRAINE'S NATIONAL INTERESTS (IN THE CONTEXT OF THE ARMED AGGRESSION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION) 2024-08-13T18:18:22+03:00 Oleksandr Tkachenko <p><em>The article investigates the influence of the sanctions policy of the European Union and individual countries in counteracting the military armed aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine. The attention is paid to the possibilities of restoring Ukraine's national interests. The author reviews the areas and industries of the russian federation subject to sanctions restrictions, as well as the consequences</em> <em>of their impact on development opportunities.</em></p> <p><em>The dependence of globalisation processes, international politics and economic processes in imposing sanctions on a country that violates international law and security is established.</em></p> <p><em>It has been concluded that sanctions policy towards the aggressor state is effective in the short and long term. The author emphasises the importance of developing mechanisms that would make it impossible</em><em>&nbsp; </em><em>to circumvent international sanctions with the help of third countries and private companies.</em></p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 State security PREREQUISITES FOR THE FORMATION OF LEADERSHIP IN OFFICERS OF THE STATE BORDER GUARD SERVICE OF UKRAINE 2024-08-13T18:37:36+03:00 Vadym Torichnyi Anatolii Fedorchuk Oleksii Hluzdan <p><em>The topical issue of leadership in the security and defense sector of Ukraine, in particular in the State Border</em><em> Guard</em><em> Service, </em><em>i</em><em>s considered. </em><em>The d</em><em>efinition of the terms "leader", "leadership" is given. The importance</em> <em>of leadership in modern Ukrainian society and its social institutions is substantiated. The main prerequisites for the formation of leadership </em><em>in</em><em> officers of the State Border</em><em> Guard </em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Service of Ukraine </em><em>is</em><em> determined.</em></p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 State security PECULIARITIES OF APPLICATION OF THE RAPID RESPONSE BORDER COMMAND IN THE DE-OCCUPIED AREAS OF THE STATE BORDER 2024-08-13T18:53:12+03:00 Dmytro Tretiak Dmytro Karasov <p><em>The article examines the procedure for the protection of the </em><em>s</em><em>tate border by rapid response border command</em><em>s </em><em>in the de-occupied areas of the state border. The author analyzes the situation that currently affects the procedure for the use of military units, border guard units and other military formations in the performance of combat and special tasks in the North of Ukraine. The tasks performed by the rapid response border commands while protecting the </em><em>s</em><em>tate border in the de-occupied territories are formulated, and &nbsp;the ways of their practical implementation are determined. The author</em><em>s</em><em> consider the option for the use of rapid response border commands as</em><em> a </em><em>part of the defense forces in the de-occupied areas of the state border. The procedure for interaction of border units with other units of the defense forces of Ukraine involved in combat missions in the de-occupied territories adjacent to the </em><em>s</em><em>tate border of Ukraine is generalized.</em></p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 State security STATE TERROR OF RUSSIA AGAINST UKRAINE 2024-08-13T19:44:23+03:00 Ihor Khraban Serhii Yevtukh <p><em>The question of the terrorist activities of the russian federation during the full-scale war against Ukraine aimed at destroying the country’s economic potential and achieving the political objectives of this armed conflict is considered. An analysis of the main targets of attacks on strategic objects of Ukraine, the consequences of these attacks, and ways of countering terror on the part of the aggressor country has been carried out.</em></p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 State security ANALYSIS OF FACTORS THAT DETERMINE THE ACTIVITIES OF THE STATE BORDER GUARD SERVICE OF UKRAINE DURING THE PERFORMANCE OF TASKS IN MILITARY CRISIS SITUATIONS 2024-08-13T20:08:37+03:00 Ivan Chornopishchuk <p><em>The factors that determine the activities of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in military crisis situations are studied. The legislative and regulatory framework governing the activities of the bodies</em> <em>&nbsp;and units of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine has been analyzed, as well as the external and internal factors that affect its effectiveness in such conditions. Particular attention is focused on the use of a border guard detachment as the main operational and service unit of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.</em></p> <p><em>The experience of using the bodies and units during the repulsion of the armed aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine from 2014 to the present is studied separately. The author analyses the consequences of the armed aggression and examines the use of bodies and units of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine as part of the Defence Forces of Ukraine. The factors that determine the activities of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in performing tasks in military crisis situations are summarized.</em></p> <p><em>The role and place of the state border protection bodies and units during the performance</em><em>&nbsp; </em><em>of tasks in military crisis situations are highlighted.</em></p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 State security REGULATORY AND LEGAL PROVISION OF THE USE OF THE UNLOADING SYSTEMS OF ARMORED VESTS AND PLATE CARRIERS IN THE SYSTEM OF THE MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF UKRAINE 2024-08-13T20:38:21+03:00 Tykhin Shevchenko Oleg Pabat Polina Frolenkova <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>The actual state of use by law enforcement officers of such means of individual armor protection as bulletproof vests and plate carriers , as well as additional equipment systems used by police officers under the legal regime of</em><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;</em><em>martial law, is considered. Aspects of the legal definition and regulation of the operation of bulletproof vests, plate carriers, as well as additional equipment were studied. An analysis of individual models of personal protective equipment was carried out. The results of the study confirmed the importance of optimized placement</em> <em>of</em><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;</em><em>equipment to ensure comfort and functionality. Based on the research, recommendations for improving the</em><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;</em><em>legal framework were formulated and areas for further research were determined.</em></p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 State security