State security <p>Scientific Journal "State Security" (assigned identifier in the media registry R-30-01033. Decision of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting dated July 6, 2023, No. 466).</p> <p>The publication was founded in 2023. The founder and publisher are the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine. Copies are published twice a year.</p> <p>The policy of the scientific journal aims to reflect scientific achievements in the following thematic areas:</p> <p>State security;<br />National security;<br />Security of the state border, as well as the publication of materials of a review and scientific-methodical nature.<br />The journal publishes original scientific articles containing the results of scientific research for specialists in the National Guard of Ukraine, law enforcement agencies, other military formations, scientists, educators, adjuncts, cadets, students, and all those interested in contemporary issues in these areas.</p> <p>Articles are published after discussion at the editorial board meetings and their review by leading experts, as well as based on the recommendations of the Scientific Council of the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine.</p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; background: white;"><span style="background: white;">In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 20.12.2023 No. 1543, the journal is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, category "B" comes from specialties:</span></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; background: white;"><span style="background: white;">– 251 ‒ "State security";</span></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; background: white;"><span style="background: white;">– 252 ‒ "Security of the state border"</span></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; background: white;"><span style="background: white;">– 256 ‒ "National Security"</span></p> National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine en-US State security 2786-8613 ALARM SYSTEMS FOR THE PROTECTION OF LONG SECTIONS OF THE STATE BORDER: A RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW OF THEIR USE IN UKRAINE IN THE PERIOD OF 1955‒2000 <p><em>A retrospective review of the signaling devices of protection of long sections of the state border used in Ukraine in the period 1955‒2000 is carried out. The study pays special attention to the alarm systems and complexes used in the protection of the state border during the Cold War and in the post-soviet period,&nbsp; in particular, the S-100 systems "Skala", S-175 "Gardina" and complexes "Okean", KS 185 "Gobi".</em></p> Andrii DOBROVOLSKYI Dmytro KUPRIIENKO Serhii CHERKASHYN Copyright (c) 2025 State security 2025-02-25 2025-02-25 2 4 7 16 10.33405/2786-8613/2024/2/4/323337 RECOMMENDATIONS ON JUSTIFICATION OF PLANS FOR LOCALISATION OF CRISIS (NON-STANDARD) SITUATIONS AT INTERNATIONAL AUTOMOBILE BORDER CROSS-ING POINTS UNDER MARTIAL LAW <p><em>It </em><em>is </em><em>justifie</em><em>d</em><em> and develop</em><em>ed</em><em> recommendations on plans for locali</em><em>s</em><em>ation of crisis (non-standard) situations at international </em><em>automobile border crossing points</em><em> of Ukraine&nbsp; </em><em>under</em><em> martial law. The specifics of the military aggression against Ukraine, which caused significant destruction of infrastructure, economic losses and humanitarian crisis, which creates new challenges for the border service, have been taken into account.</em></p> <p><em>The need to improve the activities of border units through the rational distribution of forces and means is indicated. Various types of threats are given, in particular terrorist and military threats, illegal movement of persons, smuggling of drugs and weapons, as well as illegal movement of goods. Each of these threats requires specific measures by border services to ensure security and effective control.</em></p> <p><em>The proposed model of </em><em>justification</em><em> of plans for locali</em><em>s</em><em>ation of crisis situations is based on the use of mathematical models to assess probable scenarios of events and determine the most rational options for action. Using these models allows border units to respond quickly to changes in the situation and make informed decisions on the allocation of resources and the use of forces.</em></p> <p><em>The methodology described in the </em><em>research</em><em> provides the possibility of timely identification of conditions requiring the use of simplified border control, as well as the conditions under which it is necessary to temporarily stop border control. This allows you to adapt control procedures according to specific threats and situations, reducing risks and increasing management efficiency. The results of the study demonstrate that the use of the proposed models and methods makes it possible to develop more effective plans for the locali</em><em>s</em><em>ation of crisis situations that take into account current challenges and threats. They provide coordination between different services and units, which is critical for ensuring security at the border under martial law. Thus, the work makes a significant contribution to the development of the border management system of Ukraine in conditions of increased threat.</em></p> Denys DIAHEL Copyright (c) 2025 State security 2025-02-25 2025-02-25 2 4 17 24 10.33405/2786-8613/2024/2/4/323340 DESCRIPTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD PROCESS FOR DETERMINING THE PROJECTED THREAT TO CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES <p><em>The article analyses potential threats to important state facilities and ways for the enemy to capture a vital Centre at a facility guarded by military units for the protection of important state facilities of the National Guard of Ukraine.</em></p> <p><em>The author outlines the approaches of developed countries to identifying threats that may occur at</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>a protected facility. International standards, which include the guidelines of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), are considered. Identification of potential threats to a facility is a planned standard procedure that is successfully implemented in developed countries. </em></p> Volodymyr ZHABINSKYI Yevhen YAKOVENKO Copyright (c) 2025 State security 2025-02-25 2025-02-25 2 4 25 34 10.33405/2786-8613/2024/2/4/323342 THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL JUSTIFICATION OF THE CONCEPT OF POST-CONVENTIONAL WAR AS A NEW FORM OF ARMED CONFLICTS NOWADAYS <p><em>The evolution of the forms of armed conflicts and their main features are surveyed. The main features of post-conventional war as a new form of armed conflicts and its differences from armed conflicts of previous types: non-conventional, conventional and hybrid are determined. The need for a theoretical understanding of the post-conventional war experience, the development of effective concepts for responding to the systemic challenges it creates, is substantiated.</em></p> Oleksandr KAPLIUCHENKO Serhii BIELAI Volodymyr VASYSHCHEV Copyright (c) 2025 State security 2025-02-25 2025-02-25 2 4 35 42 10.33405/2786-8613/2024/2/4/323344 METHODOLOGY FOR ADAPTING THE RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM OF THE MOBILE COMPONENT OF THE TACTICAL COMMAND AND CONTROL UNIT OF THE NATIONAL GUARD OF UKRAINE TO THE CONDITIONS OF INTEN-TIONAL INTERFERENCE TO PERFORM TASKS OF ENSURING STATE SECURITY <p><em>Adaptation of the radio communication system of the mobile component of the tactical command and control unit of the National Guard of Ukraine to the effects of intentional interference will allow for effective control in modern combat operations. The main problems are equipment obsolescence, high density of radio interference, and dynamic changes in the tactical situation. In order to solve these problems, an adaptation methodology has been developed based on the use of JCATS simulation tools to determine the areas of interference and optimize the location of radio equipment.</em></p> <p><em>The methodology involves several stages: identifying areas of radio electronic influence, determining the boundaries of radio interference generators, estimating the error of signal parameters, and adapting the communication system in accordance with the data obtained. Optimized error estimation algorithms are implemented that take into account the quantization effect and provide higher accuracy in estimating signal variance. Additionally, an approach to adaptation through the spatial placement of active radio masking means to reduce the effectiveness of enemy reconnaissance is considered.</em></p> <p><em>The simulation modeling tools allow analyzing the effectiveness of various interference protection measures and checking the stability of communication in a variable electronic environment. It is established that the implementation of thedeveloped methodology increases the interference resistance of radio communication by 35</em> <em>% and intelligence protection - up to 19%, which significantly improves the efficiency of</em><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;</em><em>managing mobile units in crisis situations.</em></p> Andrii Manko Copyright (c) 2025 State security 2025-02-25 2025-02-25 2 4 43 48 10.33405/2786-8613/2024/2/4/323623 METHODS OF APPLYING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES BY THE FIRE DEFENCE PLANNING DIVISION WHEN DEVELOPING OPTIONS FOR ACTION BY THE UNIT HEADQUARTERS <p><em>The article discusses the issues of implementation of information and analytical technologies in the process of making a military decision by a unit (section) planning fire damage to the enemy (to provide fire support</em> <em>to</em><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;</em><em>its troops) from the command-and-control body of a combined arms formation at the stage of developing options for actions of a mechanised brigade in a defensive battle. Practical recommendations on the use</em> <em>of</em><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;</em><em>information technologies based on the Arc View GIS 3.3 geographic information system and Mathcad and</em><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;</em><em>Excel application packages to reduce the time cycle of the Boyd loop in the information warfare&nbsp; of the opposing party's management unit are provided</em><em>.</em></p> Volodymyr OBRIADIN Oleksii KOLOMIITSEV Serhii PODVIAZNIKOV Copyright (c) 2025 State security 2025-02-25 2025-02-25 2 4 49 57 10.33405/2786-8613/2024/2/4/323358 ANALYSIS OF DECISION-MAKING SUPPORT SYSTEMS IN THE PERFORMANCE OF SERVICE AND COMBAT TASKS BY THE SECURITY FORCES OF UKRAINE <p><em>The author analyzes </em><em>an </em><em>existing decision-making support systems for the security forces of Ukraine.</em> <em>It is determined that military decision-making requires a multifactorial approach and a deep understanding </em><em>of one's capabilities, strategic goals and tactical circumstances. Each stage of military operations requires careful analysis and development of effective strategies to achieve the set goals.</em></p> <p><em>Support systems have a wide range of tools, techniques and technologies aimed at ensuring effective management of the country's security. Improving and developing decision support systems in this area is an ongoing process that requires a combination of strategic vision, technical knowledge and flexibility</em><em>&nbsp; </em><em>in response to new challenges and threats.</em></p> Viktor OLENCHENKO Volodymyr NEMERYSHYN Andrii IHNATIEV Copyright (c) 2025 State security 2025-02-25 2025-02-25 2 4 58 62 10.33405/2786-8613/2024/2/4/323360 LEGAL AND IDEOLOGICAL MODEL OF FORMATION OF SELF-REALISATION OF THE PERSONNEL POTENTIAL OF THE NATIONAL GUARD OF UKRAINE <p><em>A comprehensive study of the self-realisation of the </em><em>National Guard of Ukraine</em> <em>personnel potential is carried out. The author's vision of the factors influencing the formation of legal and ideological consciousness of the personnel potential during military service is formulated, and the levels of interaction between personnel </em><em>potential, society and the State are determined. Based on the results of the study, the author's position </em><em>on the legal and ideological model of formation of self-realisation of the personnel potential of the National Guard of Ukraine as a component</em> <em>of social and legal support of the </em><em>National Guard of Ukraine personnel, its steps and stages and phases of development is presented. Attention is focused on the problematic issues arising </em><em>at the current stage of development of the State.</em></p> Oksana OREL Copyright (c) 2025 State security 2025-02-25 2025-02-25 2 4 63 69 10.33405/2786-8613/2024/2/4/323359 PROBLEMATIC ISSUES AND WAYS TO INCREASE THE PROTECTION OF TROOPS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE RAPID DEVELOPMENT OF THE TREND OF USING SMALL UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES IN COMBAT OPERATIONS <p><em>Based on the analysis, a conclusion has been made that the use of small unmanned aerial vehicles on the battlefield affects the enemy capabilities. The authors have substantiated the need for the Ukrainian Defense Forces to gain an advantage in the context of using small unmanned aerial vehicles on the battlefield. It</em><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;</em><em>has</em><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;</em><em>been found that gaining such advantages involves not only intensifying efforts to use friendly small unmanned aerial vehicles, but also focusing on protecting troops from enemy small unmanned aerial vehicles.</em></p> <p><em>The main areas of military activity crucial for protecting troops from small unmanned aerial vehicles have been outlined.</em> <em>In view of this, the authors have analyzed the problematic issues and identified ways to improve the protection of troops in the conditions of the enemy use of small unmanned aerial vehicles.</em></p> Dmytrii PAVLOV Serhii SUKONKO Oleksandr SITAILO Copyright (c) 2025 State security 2025-02-25 2025-02-25 2 4 70 77 10.33405/2786-8613/2024/2/4/323376 PROBLEMATIC ASPECTS OF INFORMATION AND ANALYTICAL SUPPORT FOR THE MANAGEMENT BODIES OF UKRAINE'S SECURITY FORCES <p><em>The contradictions existing in the military management system are considered. An analysis of the information and analytical support for management bodies is conducted, and the impact of decision-making quality on the capability of managing military forces in modern conditions is determined. </em></p> <p><em>The problematic aspects of information and analytical support for the management bodies of Ukraine's security forces are highlighted, in particular: an insufficient level of development of the regulatory and legal framework regarding the creation of information resources and products in Ukraine's security forces, the provision of information services, and the functioning of the information and analytical support system; a lack of functional, technological, and technical integration among the information and analytical units </em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>of the security forces; the absence of a unified system for classifying and coding information within Ukraine's security structures; insufficient development of general information resources and the lack of an integrated database, which should become a critical element of the nationwide information infrastructure; a shortage of certified information protection tools; the absence of a clearly defined suite of specialized software and mathematical support for information activities; an inadequate level of training for specialists capable of working with modern information and analytical systems; insufficient funding and a lack of a comprehensive approach to organizing research aimed at solving these problems. All of the above complicates the development of an effective information support system for Ukraine's security forces.</em></p> Kostiantyn SPORYSHEV Andrii PASICHNYK Mykola MOROKHOVSKYI Copyright (c) 2025 State security 2025-02-25 2025-02-25 2 4 78 82 10.33405/2786-8613/2024/2/4/323379 RECOMMENDATIONS ON METHODS OF CONDUCTING COMBAT OPERATIONS IN A CONTROLLED ZONE OF AN INTERNAL ARMED CONFLICT BY THE AIRMOBILE DETACHMENT OF THE OPERATIONAL PURPOSE UNIT OF THE NATIONAL GUARD OF UKRAINE <p><em>One of the most critical functions of the National Guard of Ukraine units is the suppression of activities by illegal armed formations (groups) not authorized by law, to wit, the localization and cessation of armed conflicts occurring within the territory of Ukraine.</em></p> <p><em>It has been determined that, under the conditions of an internal armed conflict, the peculiarities of the operational and combat tasks of the National Guard of Ukraine are defined by the necessity of deploying specific types of units, such as combat groups and detachments. Traditional methods of detection and neutralization are insufficient to fully resolve the problem of disabling illegal armed formations</em> <em>near the objects under protection. The complete elimination of illegal armed formations</em> <em>requires the involvement of reserves. Under such conditions, the creation of an airmobile detachment as a mobile reserve (amdr)</em> <em>within the operational brigade appears to be the most effective solution.</em></p> <p><em>The optimal composition and rational choice of combat formation for the airmobile reserve of operational brigades of the National Guard of Ukraine have been substantiated. Mathematical models for interception have been developed and proposed for implementation, providing solutions for optimizing the system&nbsp; of protection</em><em> and defense of objects</em><em>. A mathematical formulation of the task to optimize the combat formation of the airmobile detachment has also been provided.</em></p> Serhii STARODUBTSEV Viktor ROMANIUK Copyright (c) 2025 State security 2025-02-25 2025-02-25 2 4 83 89 10.33405/2786-8613/2024/2/4/323383 THE IMPACT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ARMED CONFLICTS <p><em>The article examines the impact of artificial intelligence on modern warfare. In the context of rapid technological progress and the increasing dependence of the armed forces on new technologies, artificial intelligence is becoming an important tool in strategic planning and tactical operations. The study covers various aspects of its application, including process automation, processing and analysis of large amounts</em> <em>of data, as well as its impact on real-time decision-making.</em></p> <p><em>The article also considers ethical and legal issues arising from using artificial intelligence in military conflicts, including responsibility for actions taken based on algorithmic decisions. The article ends with conclusions about the future use of artificial intelligence in armed conflicts, as well as recommendations</em> <em>for further research in this area.</em></p> Kyrylo TKACHENKO Serhii Bielai Copyright (c) 2025 State security 2025-02-25 2025-02-25 2 4 90 97 10.33405/2786-8613/2024/2/4/323388 FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE CONCEPT OF USING UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES AND THEIR INNOVATIVE APPLICATION IN MODERN WARS AND MILITARY CONFLICTS <p><em>The article analyses the genesis, formation and further development of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for military purposes. Prospects for the use of </em><em>unmanned aerial vehicles in modern wars and military conflicts are considered. Their impact on the formation of the theatre of future military operations and enhancement </em><em>of the potential combat capabilities of formations, units and subunits of the security and defence forces of Ukraine is investigated.</em></p> <p><em>The russian-Ukrainian war is often called the first drone war. The use of drones in modern wars</em><em>&nbsp; </em><em>and military conflicts demonstrates their growing role and impact on the tactical and strategic aspects</em> <em>of warfare. They are changing the rules of the game on the battlefield, performing tasks ranging from reconnaissance missions to targeted strikes, which help reduce risks to the lives of military personnel, preserve military and special equipment, and increase the efficiency of combat operations. </em></p> <p><em>Military experts argue that although these unmanned aerial vehicles do not fully compensate for the urgent need for shells and military equipment, they can create a new dynamic on the battlefield.</em></p> Yurii TOLSTONOSOV Oleksandr BONDARENKO Dymytrii TOLSTONOSOV Copyright (c) 2025 State security 2025-02-25 2025-02-25 2 4 98 105 10.33405/2786-8613/2024/2/4/323394 JUSTIFICATION OF THE STRUCTURAL AND LOGICAL SCHEME DEVELOPMENT OF METHODOLOGY FOR SELECTINGA RATIONAL OPTION FOR APPLYING THE BORDER GUARD QUICK REACTION FORCE IN CONDITIONS OF RESTORING CONTROL ACROSS THE STATE BORDER <p><em>The analysis of the participation of units of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in stabilization actions (operations) was carried out. Stabilization actions of troops were considered as a form of military actions aimed at stabilizing the situation in crisis areas, maintaining security and stability, as well as creating conditions that make it impossible to escalate a military conflict. It was concluded that they are components of stabilization, defense, offensive (counter-offensive) operations and can be carried out in conditions</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>of emergency and martial law, as well as in a partial reconstruction period.</em></p> <p><em>A structural and logical scheme of the methodology for choosing a rational option for applying the </em><em>b</em><em>order guard quick reaction force in the conditions of restoring control over the state border has been developed, which involves the use of a set of methods to solve partial tasks. A number of methods have been identified that should ensure the solution of these tasks during the study, as well as an pparatus that belongs to known general scientific methods and is relevant to the purpose of the study and meets the requirements of reliability and validity.</em></p> Dmytro TRETIAK Volodymyr KYRYLENKO Copyright (c) 2025 State security 2025-02-25 2025-02-25 2 4 106 118 10.33405/2786-8613/2024/2/4/323396 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CHOOSING A METHODOLOGY FOR THE WORK OF AN INSTRUCTOR IN TRAINING PERSONNEL OF SPECIAL FORCES UNITS FOR OPERATIONS IN MOUNTAINOUS TERRAIN <p><em>The article considers recommendations for the special-forces instructor on selecting a single methodology in order to prepare the units of special forces units for mountain operations. The methodology is supposed &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be conducive to training the special-forces personnel of the National Guard of Ukraine for discharging their missions in mountainous terrain. The proposed recommendations allow for a common interpretation of the training process and thus ensure better practices and a higher level of coherence in the actions of special forces units when operating in the mountains. </em></p> Volodymyr KHALEP Oleh NAZARENKO Copyright (c) 2025 State security 2025-02-25 2025-02-25 2 4 119 127 10.33405/2786-8613/2024/2/4/323400 SOME ISSUES OF THE SPECIFIC ISSUES OF THE INFORMATIONAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNTERMEASURE OF PROPAGANDA DIRECTED AT THE PERSONAL COMPOSITION <p><em>The specifics and methods of informational and psychological propaganda conducted among the enemy troops and population during the First World War by the Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy) and the Entente (Great Britain, France, the USA, russia) were studied.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;The strategies and methods of this propaganda are analyzed, in particular, the use of mass media to influence the morale of military and civilians. The evaluation of the effectiveness of these measures was also carried out and a contribution was made to the understanding of propaganda as a means of information warfare in the context of military strategies. The need to improve the national security system was emphasized.</em></p> Yurii YURCHAK Vitalii ZHURAVEL Lesia BALAHUR Copyright (c) 2025 State security 2025-02-25 2025-02-25 2 4 128 134 10.33405/2786-8613/2024/2/4/323401 SOME VIEWS ON THE PECULIARITIES OF THE PLAN CONTENT OF OPERATIONAL AND SERVICE ACTIVITIES OF THE STATE BORDER GUARD UNIT <p><em>The article examines modern approaches and views on the management of operational and service activities of the </em><em>s</em><em>tate border protection units with due regard for the modernization of the state border protection and the needs of border practice. The relevance of the study lies in the need to improve the efficiency of border guard units’ performance of the State Border Guard Service functions. The article reveals a certain discrepancy between the current legal acts regulating the operational and service activities of border units and the innovations related to the modernization of the state border protection. Based on the analysis&nbsp; of scientific sources, the authors have defined the concept of </em><em>"</em><em>management of operational and service activities</em><em>"</em><em>. The practical content of the proposed definition is realized by the following components: maintaining of constant readiness of units for action, preparation of bodies (units) for action. The authors have developed the content of the plan of operational and service activities of the state border protection unit which includes the following sections: general part, special (main) part, and final part. The features of&nbsp; its content were investigated. An important aspect of achieving success is the detailing of each component of operational and service activities (functions of the State Border Guard Service). </em></p> Viktor YAKUBOVSKYI Vasyl BARATIUK Oleksandr LAZORENKO Copyright (c) 2025 State security 2025-02-25 2025-02-25 2 4 135 142 10.33405/2786-8613/2024/2/4/323402