
  • Artem Bratko
  • Denys Zakharchuk
  • Serhii Kashtelian



planning, capabilities, operations, method, joint actions, state border


A methodology for planning border (joint border) operations on the state border has been developed, the purpose of which is to ensure the maximum efficiency of the use of the capabilities of subordinate bodies (units), the successful execution of the received tasks within the specified time in various conditions, with rational expenditure of resources and to prevent losses of forces and means During the main (II) stage, with the receipt of an order on OSA (directives) of a higher-level management body, a decision is made to implement OSA in the next calendar year or another period, an order on OSA is issued, which is sent in the form of orders to subordinate units of state border protection . The order on OSA is the main planning document of state border protection authorities. According to the orders on the organization of the OSA, the units operate in their normal day-to-day activities. In the event of an increase in the level of illegal activity at the state border (criminal activity, illegal migration, smuggling activity, etc.), operational and preventive measures are taken to counter it. The difference from ordinary day-to-day activities consists in the involvement of a larger composition of forces and the means of concentrating them in certain areas, the strengthening of the regime and the activation of operational measures. At the same time, in general, the main regularities of the actions of the State Border Service of Ukraine, inherent in everyday activities in the area of responsibility, are preserved. Operative and preventive measures are carried out, as a rule, in the form of border service and border control of the forces and means that take part in them. Their preparation and implementation is based on the system of regime and operational measures organized to strengthen the protection of the state border in the area of responsibility of the regional administration in everyday conditions.


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