
  • Maksym Baida
  • Ihor Prykhodko
  • Yanina Matsehora



addictive behavior, predisposition, dependence, alcohol abuse, assigned tasks performance, extreme conditions, National Guard of Ukraine, state security


This article presents the results of a study on the development of a methodology for assessing the predisposition to alcohol abuse among personnel of the National Guard of Ukraine engaged in state security tasks. The study involves identifying the personal characteristics of military personnel and categorizing them into one of seven types of predisposition to alcohol abuse. Additionally, it examines the factors in assigned tasks performance that contribute to the development of this predisposition. The article describes the step-by-step actions of officials in utilizing the methodology for assessing the predisposition to alcohol abuse among NGU personnel. The results of the methodology's testing and its effectiveness evaluation in the military units and subdivisions of the National Guard of Ukraine are presented.


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