
  • Vasyl Baratiuk
  • Oleksandr Lazorenko
  • Serhii Kashtelian



structure, operational and service activities, state border protection unit, area of responsibility


Based on the analysis of the experience of operational and service activities of the State border protection units, as well as regulatory and legal documents on the construction of the State border protection, the author summarises the content of the concept "construction of operational and service activities". The practical content of this concept is implemented by the following components: prevention of illegal changes to the State border; ensuring compliance with the State border regime; ensuring control over compliance with the border regime on the example of the content reflection of the main function of the border agency ‒ protection of the State border. The substantiation of detailing the individual components of the operational and service activities of the State border protection unit reveals the sequence of building this activity with regard to its substantive complexity. A methodology for building operational and service activities at the site of a State border protection unit is proposed. The scientific novelty of the methodology lies in generalising the sequence of work of the head of a State border protection unit on combating offences on border issues. The application of the methodology will create conditions for the expedient use of forces and means of the State border protection unit, will allow to increase the efficiency of the work of the relevant managers and   to consider more fully the factors influencing the results of the operational and service activities of the unit.


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