
  • Dmytro Tretiak
  • Dmytro Karasov



de-occupied territories, , operational and service activities, border unit, rapid response border command, restoration of control over the state border, state border, stabilization operation (actions), defense actions


The article examines the procedure for the protection of the state border by rapid response border commands in the de-occupied areas of the state border. The author analyzes the situation that currently affects the procedure for the use of military units, border guard units and other military formations in the performance of combat and special tasks in the North of Ukraine. The tasks performed by the rapid response border commands while protecting the state border in the de-occupied territories are formulated, and  the ways of their practical implementation are determined. The authors consider the option for the use of rapid response border commands as a part of the defense forces in the de-occupied areas of the state border. The procedure for interaction of border units with other units of the defense forces of Ukraine involved in combat missions in the de-occupied territories adjacent to the state border of Ukraine is generalized.


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