
  • Ivan Chornopishchuk



border guard detachment, military crisis, operational and service activities, service and combat activities, defence forces, analysis of factors, combat capabilities, armed conflict, armed aggression, armed provocation, reconnaissance and sabotage activities


The factors that determine the activities of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in military crisis situations are studied. The legislative and regulatory framework governing the activities of the bodies  and units of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine has been analyzed, as well as the external and internal factors that affect its effectiveness in such conditions. Particular attention is focused on the use of a border guard detachment as the main operational and service unit of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

The experience of using the bodies and units during the repulsion of the armed aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine from 2014 to the present is studied separately. The author analyses the consequences of the armed aggression and examines the use of bodies and units of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine as part of the Defence Forces of Ukraine. The factors that determine the activities of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in performing tasks in military crisis situations are summarized.

The role and place of the state border protection bodies and units during the performance  of tasks in military crisis situations are highlighted.


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