recommendations,, martial law, model,, methodology, localisation of crisis (non-standard) situations,, system of indicators, simplification of border control, temporary suspension of border controlAbstract
It is justified and developed recommendations on plans for localisation of crisis (non-standard) situations at international automobile border crossing points of Ukraine under martial law. The specifics of the military aggression against Ukraine, which caused significant destruction of infrastructure, economic losses and humanitarian crisis, which creates new challenges for the border service, have been taken into account.
The need to improve the activities of border units through the rational distribution of forces and means is indicated. Various types of threats are given, in particular terrorist and military threats, illegal movement of persons, smuggling of drugs and weapons, as well as illegal movement of goods. Each of these threats requires specific measures by border services to ensure security and effective control.
The proposed model of justification of plans for localisation of crisis situations is based on the use of mathematical models to assess probable scenarios of events and determine the most rational options for action. Using these models allows border units to respond quickly to changes in the situation and make informed decisions on the allocation of resources and the use of forces.
The methodology described in the research provides the possibility of timely identification of conditions requiring the use of simplified border control, as well as the conditions under which it is necessary to temporarily stop border control. This allows you to adapt control procedures according to specific threats and situations, reducing risks and increasing management efficiency. The results of the study demonstrate that the use of the proposed models and methods makes it possible to develop more effective plans for the localisation of crisis situations that take into account current challenges and threats. They provide coordination between different services and units, which is critical for ensuring security at the border under martial law. Thus, the work makes a significant contribution to the development of the border management system of Ukraine in conditions of increased threat.
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