
  • Vasyl BARATIUK
  • Oleksandr LAZORENKO



state border protection unit, management, plan, operational and service activity


The article examines modern approaches and views on the management of operational and service activities of the state border protection units with due regard for the modernization of the state border protection and the needs of border practice. The relevance of the study lies in the need to improve the efficiency of border guard units’ performance of the State Border Guard Service functions. The article reveals a certain discrepancy between the current legal acts regulating the operational and service activities of border units and the innovations related to the modernization of the state border protection. Based on the analysis  of scientific sources, the authors have defined the concept of "management of operational and service activities". The practical content of the proposed definition is realized by the following components: maintaining of constant readiness of units for action, preparation of bodies (units) for action. The authors have developed the content of the plan of operational and service activities of the state border protection unit which includes the following sections: general part, special (main) part, and final part. The features of  its content were investigated. An important aspect of achieving success is the detailing of each component of operational and service activities (functions of the State Border Guard Service).


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